Saturday, June 22, 2013

Narcosis - Primera Dosis

Narcosis was a punk band from Lima, Peru in the unlikely years of 1984-86.  Even more unlikely is how unique and fresh these songs still sound almost 30 years later..I was immediately hooked the first time I heard their song "Excusas" on the No Morir Si! compilation and went on a frantic search to find more stuff.  The CD version of this record, Primera Dosis, is what I found.  It rules.  The music is too rough and tumble to be pop punk, but the songs are midtempo and catchy as all hell.  The real kicker is in the vocals, though..Luis' voice is equally gravelly and soulful, and it will penetrate your skull, make a nice comfy nappin' spot, then refuse to leave for several days.  Apparently they still play every once in a blue moon?

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