Sunday, January 5, 2014

La Fraction

I have a very deep love for La Fraction.  The music is so upfront and passionate, played with an intensity that cannot be faked or half-assed and a tightness that seems to be more prevalent on that side of the Atlantic Ocean.  My friend called them the French Gits and sonically, the bands are somewhat similar, but I don't think the Gits ever reached the triumphant and anthemic heights of La Fraction, nor did La Fraction ever plumb the loathful and desolate depths of the Gits.  I prefer to keep the two separate in my mind.  La Fraction played the record store in my tiny town many years ago and it was by far the best punk show I'd ever seen up to that point in my tender life.  To this day, it still ranks way up there in my memories.  I hope to see them play again one day.  If you haven't listened to this band yet, please do yourself the favor.

(the first two LPs are RAR folders, which I haven't done before.  You might need to download a RAR unzipping program.  I use 7-Zip File Manager.)

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